I know- including me when I first started to work out years ago- most of you focus on your abs and legs to get in well-shape and have a summer body. Don't get me wrong! You're on the right track, but without balanced work-out schedule and exercises focusing on back, butt& thigh, it is not possible to get what you want. Why?
Back => good posture is the key to show what exactly you built.
Butt& Thigh => these are the largest muscles in our body. Gluteus Maximus is the king and it rules.
If you focus on your butt&thigh, you can grow those muscles which eventually helps you to have a better posture and to burn fats!
What you can do to build a stunning back?
Dumbbell Squat to
Pull-Up. ...
Lat Pull-Downs
Squat Jump Tap
Kettlebell Swings
Bulgarian Squat with
Slam Ball
Landmine Squat Press
Back Squat
Sumo Squat
Barbell Deadlift
Barbell Bent-Over Row
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Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash